This was said by the ex-Minister of my Mother's church in his final sermon. Basically, in the years he has had the church, 3/4 of the congregation has left because of what he is like. It is either his way or the highway. It has gotten to the point where the church can't even afford his pay.
Here are some of his high points;
Used money slated for the church youth group to buy himself a new computer and printer.
When a parishioner's grand daughter died he called her on the phone because he didn't want to visit her in person on the weekend.
When another parishioner had a death in the family he was too busy to be there for them.
He told many parishioners that being a Minister is just a job. When he leaves the church he is off duty. In fact he was never really on duty.
So in his final sermon, poorly attended mainly by the baglickers and asskissers who brown nosed during his whole tenure, he railed against those who didn't like him. He seemed to think that by saying he was non-traditional and all but calling the "nay sayers" idiots he excused himself.
Sorry douchebag, you took a church that had no financial trouble and money in the bank and almost destroyed it. It had nothing to do with being a non-traditionalist and everything to do with a person who never should have been a Minister.
Instead of firing him with cause, he is a fucking moron, they let him go for financial reasons. I am not big on religion but this guy is one of the worst excuses for a Minister I have ever seen and yet another asshole that never takes responsibility.