Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Telemarketers for Canadian Police Association

Here is a copy of an email I just sent to the Canadian Police Association.


This morning a woman called from 1-902-709-8749 looking for me. She said she was calling on behalf of the Canadian Police Association. I was out and my Mother answered the phone.

The woman was informed that I wasn't home and started her spiel on my Mother. My mother is 83 and on a fixed income and advised her that she can't afford anything extra. At this point YOUR REPRESENTATIVE became very insulting. She started insisting that my Mother had contributed in the past and started citing past donations that I HAD MADE. My mother found YOUR REPRESENTATIVES tone and words to be very demeaning. At one point the woman made a snarky comment along the lines of "oh, your son must have to handle your money for you". The call ended soon after that with the woman saying she would call back later today for me.  God damn I hope she calls because I have got some words for her to hear and then I will be blocking your number.

I tried call 1-902-709-8749 to have a chat with someone there but it doesn't allow for incoming calls. Must be nice.

So here is where I stand right now. I have donated money to the Association every year for at least the last 4 years. I was happy to because I knew it was going to a good cause. Now, after my Mother got treated like that, I won't be donating again for at least a year. You can take me off your call list. I will find another cause or donate to anti-bullying through the RCMP. In a year, if I haven’t been bothered with calls, I will review my decision.

When these people, telemarketers, call people they are representing you. When they are insulting to people it reflects on your Association. You REALLY need to choose better people to represent you.

Sincerely, and still pissed off,

P.S. I don’t want an apology, especially from the woman who acted this way. A forced apology means nothing. Actions speak louder. If my request is honoured I may just start donating again in a year.
Fucking telemarketers calling for Charities. It makes me wonder just how much of my donations the CPA was actually getting.

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