Monday, June 20, 2011

Nathan Kotylak Apologises.

Nathan Kotylak is in the news again. This time making a public apology for what he did during the rioting in Vancouver. (For some strange reason the online and in printed article are different and some of the quotes used below come from the paper article I read today.)

"He told Global Television that he wasn't looking for any sympathy. But he told Global that he wanted people to know that there had already been "serious consequences" and he anticipated there would be more.

While I will give him credit for apologizing I don't know if I would call being suspended from the water polo team "serious consequences". Though he is right, there should be serious consequences coming.

His lawyer calls him a very brave young man for publicly taking responsibility for his actions.

"He is a good kid who got caught up in the moment and made some bad choices," Findlay said. "It's actually refreshing to see somebody as brave as him to step forward, accept responsibility and man up in the way that he has."

While I applaud him FINALLY taking some responsibility for his actions I do find that there is something missing. To hear his family and lawyer talk you would think Nathan did something wrong and turned himself in of his own free will. That couldn't be further from the truth.

Nathan turned himself in days after he was exposed online as being one of the rioters. Even in light of the pictures and video his father was trying to slough it off as being misleading and that he did nothing wrong. While he has NOW stepped forward they need to stop making it seem like this is something he did without being publicly ID'd ahead of time. Stop trying to spin it.

Having ranted about this I do have to say his lawyer was kind of right. Nathan is a young man who found himself in a bad situation and made some bad choices. We all make mistakes and Nathan's was a serious one. Hopefully he will be punished appropriately, learn from his mistakes, and be able to move on with his life.

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