Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What the ... diplomatic bs?!?!?!?

"It  was unwise, uncivlilized, and hostile."

Those words were spoken by Iran's Charge d'Affaires Sheikh-Hassani in an interview on CBC. He is talking about the Harper Governments decision to close the Iranian Embassy here and our Embassy in Iran.

Unwise? It might be. I know I was surprised by the decision. In the long run not having people on the ground in Iran or their representatives here could cause problems. Only time will tell.

Hostile? I can see how it could be seen as being hostile to the Iranian government.

Uncivilized? Really? It isn't like we stormed their Embassy and held them hostage. THEY do shit like that. Also, it isn't like we gave them no notice.

According to Sheikh-Hassani after 9AM Friday morning a senior level Foreign Affairs officer showed up at the Iranian Embassy and gave him 2 notes. The 1st said they had to leave by Wednesday morning. The second informed him that we had already closed our Embassy in Iran and were bringing them home. They were given 5 days notice. It isn't like we just said "Get the fuck out now!"

I did find some of what the Charge d'Affaires said unusual. On one hand he tried to appear shocked by being asked to leave. Later he would talk about being ready for it and already having plans in place to close the Embassy. He tried sloughing it off as experienced diplomats being prepared for anything but that seemed weak. I don't know whether he was dissembling or not but it was strange.

While I am not sure the Harper Government made the right choice but Iran needs to get off its high horse and stopping whining about "uncivilized" actions.


  1. There is at least one of you in every crowd isn't there? Kind of like tha rotten apple that spoils the barrel.

  2. You are afraid to post all all my comments! Censor me and you prove I am right.

  3. Well, I can't completely argue against what you say when so many Muslims get bent out of shape and threaten to kill people who don't agree with them.

    Only thing I can say with certainty is that I never said Islam was a peaceful religion.

  4. Evidently you missed my comment in another section.
