Wednesday, February 6, 2013

What the ... fraudster?!?!?

Mike Duffy. Former CTV  Political reporter. Opinion man. Now a Senator for Prince Edward Island. And of course a liar who has defrauded the Government of over $40,000.

How? Well, Senators who live away from their home are allowed $21,000 a year to defray their living expenses in Ottawa. Even though Mikey lived in Ontario for decades before he was appointed a Senator for PEI. He has claimed his cottage in PEI as his home. However, that is just one of the many problems with his residency claim.

1) He lived in the Ottawa area for DECADES BEFORE he was appointed as a Senator for PEI. In fact, he lived in his current home there long before he was appointed.

2) He has NO health card for PEI. After being told to produce proof of residency he had a staffer contact the relevant PEI Minister's office to try and get the process to APPLY for a health card fast tracked. APPLY for one, NOT get one renewed!

3) He isn't even registered as a voter in PEI. Elections Canada confirmed he is on the rolls for where he lives in Ontario.

4) His driver's license ... Ontario.

5) PEI lists him as a non-resident making him ineligible for the Resident Tax Credit there.

On top of that he has claimed over $147,000 in travel expenses, allegedly to and from PEI, since September of 2010. Yet he isn't there enough during the span of a year to be considered a resident.

What a piece of shit. A Senate appointment is a ticket to the gravy train. You hold it for life. This liar then uses it to bilk more money out of the government. Any wonder why people have low opinions of politicians?

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