Monday, February 7, 2011

Winter Mooks

There is a breed of Parking Mooks that aren't always noticed when their mookishness is out of season. I am talking about Winter Mooks.

During the Summer you don't always notice their horrible parking and stopping skills. They shine through, so to speak, in the Winter. In the Winter, when the streets are plowed, sometimes even when they aren't, you will REALLY notice these idiots. They tend to turn a good road or street into a one lane path. Which can cause accidents in the winter here.

I saw one of those mooks the other night, right after a big snow storm, while walking the dog. The mooks were visiting a house on our street and pulled up and stopped in front of the drive way. Across the street another mook had parked his pick up truck. This turned an icy street into a one way street. But that was minor mookishness compared to what the twits did next.

The woman who was in the back got out into the drive way. She then proceeded to walk around the car out into the street and open the other door INTO the street all without looking. If she had looked she would have seen a car coming down the street. Only a heavy duty mook could have failed to not notice the headlights .

So now you have the mooks making a one lane road and this idiot opens the door into the only passage. Luckily the oncoming truck was able to stop in time. Considering the road conditions the mook probably used up her entire luck supply for the next 10 years. She then proceeded to do something in the car, being half inside and half on the road. Now there are several cars wanting to go in both directions but unable to because of the mooks. She was in the car for a couple of minutes.

She then takes out a CAKE BOX. The fucking idiot couldn't take it out the side not facing traffic. Oh no that would be too easy and not potentially cause an accident. Does she move out of the way? No. A woman living in the house was shouting to them about being careful parking on the road. She stood on the road shouting/talking with the housemook for a couple of minutes. All the while cars are waiting for her to shut the door and get out of the way.

I figured I wasted enough time on their antics and went back to walking the dog. They were "talking" loud enough that a couple of minutes up the road I could STILL here them. Bloody mooks!


  1. I know what you mean. There are some mooks living across the alley from my folks' place, and they are always blocking the lane with one vehicle or another.
    Their place looks like a trailer park boy HQ, what with trash and derelicts littering the lawn.
    There's an empty lot across from their garage, which is where at least one vehicle of theirs is parked at all times. Whenever they have visitors, they park in the alley between the garage and the vehicle(s), effectively blocking it for use by anyone else.
    Last week, one of the mooks parked his work vehicle their, with the motor running, for an hour while he had his lunch, or picked his nose, or pulled his pud.
    I saw a real Winter Mook on the highway today, though.
    We were coming back home on the road north of town. It's only a two-laner, but there are passing lanes every few klicks. We were in between a couple of these, and there were signs posted, "Do Not Pass."
    The road conditions were not that great. They'd been plowed, but there was still a residue of ice and snow left on. There was snow falling, and snow blowing across the road.
    My dad has a heavy foot, and he was travelling 120 in a 100kmh zone, when this mook blew past us as we were going up a hill.
    So let's recap:
    No passing zone, blowing snow, blind on a hill, and an icy road.
    Fucking mook.

  2. Had a mook who was driving too fast during a snowstorm end up in a snowbank a the corner of our driveway last week.
