Monday, February 28, 2011

Amazing Race

If Kent were my partner I would have to kill him. Don't know how Vixen can put up with the whiny demanding prat.

Vixen ... get me this.

Vixen ... we need to hurry.

And the creepiest ... Vixen get me some children.

Interesting couple but my interest usually ends when he opens his mouth. Reminds me of being back in Korea.


  1. I love them! Kent is ridiculous. That comment about getting him some children was hilarious.

  2. DC:

    You get a lot of good ones like that from him. I remember how much of a drama queen he was in his original appearance ... in one ep threatening to jump out of a moving car because he didn't like Vixen's driving. Hilarious. :)

    But I find his voice grates on my nerves when he whines. And he whines a lot. :)
