Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Where do we go from here?

I love the song from Alan Parson's Project. The gyst of it fits today with Canada and the USA. After the shit storm Donald has started, where do we go? Where does it end?

The USA could realize Donald is a POS and threat to their existence and dump him tomorrow but the damage is done. Whether you voted for him, didn't, or are among the huge number that didn't vote, he IS your President and his actions reflect on you. It will be a LONG time before Canadians ever trust the US again. I am not saying it won't happen but to me it looks like it will be several generations and not just in 4 years IF the USA pulls it's head out of it ass and changes things. 

Regardless of what happens, it is time for Canada to disentangle itself as much as it can economically from the USA. Economically and militarily. It is time to cut our losses and move on to new markets. It is time to start moving on when it comes to military hardware and either find new sources or homegrown ones. A mix of the two is more likely. For example getting the Grippen and building it at home. There are European and South Korean options for hardware that are as good as or better than what the USA has to offer.

The crisis may pass, or get worse, but the lesson should never be forgotten. All it takes is one fascist being elected and the US goes from friend to enemy. We believed in them for too long. Mind you we also didn't believe in ourselves enough. Which is kind of sad when you think of it. I have family there. Sadly, some are die hard MAGATs. It is time to move on as best we can.

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