Saturday, March 15, 2025

What the ... willfulness?!?!?

I recently decided to prune my friend list on Facebook and dumped a couple of "friends" I worked with. As with Rogan, I think covid broke them. They became far right conspiracy theorists. I would usually just scroll past their stupider posts. The final straw was basically a rage bait post about the Trudeau Government sending aid to Ukraine.

 After Donald tried to humiliate Zelensky in the oval office, Trudeau pledged more support to Ukraine. Part of that support was $5 Billion taken from Soviet, oops I mean Russian funds that were seized. One of my friends seized on that $5 BN figure and mixed with with their hatred for anything Trudeau says or does, and made a post about how Trudeau was giving Ukraine $5 BN of OUR money. As usual I just scrolled past it.

Then I saw another friend, a more rational one, who questioned the source of the money. She was told to do her research and was subjected to the usual attacks that the crazies do. So, she did look it up, found out the real source of the $5 BN and posted that. She was then subjected to more attacks, even personal ones, by the Batshit Brigade. Her friend then unfriended her, blocked her, and removed her posts. That was it for me.

I don't care if we have different views. I am not a Trudeau fan myself. God knows he has done enough things to make people dislike him. The Batshit Brigade however isn't just ignorant of facts. They are willfully ignorant. As long as it supports their narrative they don't care if they distort things or tell out right lies. God forbid you point it out to them. You are then "the enemy". They sound like Donald.

Those living in fantasy lands do not like it when you prove their reality is wrong. It seems simple to just say "I think covid broke them" but it feels like that is what happened. As with the decline of Joe Rogan since covid hit, I have seen it with these "friends". Before covid they might have had a slight conspiratorial bend but they were mainly living in reality. During and after covid they started drinking the anti-vaxxer kool aid and then dove deep into the batshit.

In the end, I don't need their negativity or stupidity in my life. There comes a time when you can't just scroll past the BS. If you want to ignore reality go for it. Just know that it moves you from being a person expressing their views to a liar, willfully spreading lies. You have joined the Batshit Brigade. I actually feel sorry for my former friends. It is a sad way to live as their bitterness and anger at ... perceived slights? real slights? conspiracy theory of the day? ... moves them to live outside of reality. 

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