I have to start off by saying I was a huge Joe Rogan fan. Through his podcast I was introduced to a lot of people I would never have heard of, as well as movies, music, and books. He would have people on from all spectrums and would CALL THEM out when they spouted nonsense. The way he would fact check himself and if wrong admit it and apologize impressed me. However, that has gone the way of the Dodo since covid.
I think covid broke Rogan. You could see it happening when he had to defend himself from attacks from the media. I automatically think of the story CNN did on him and wrongly stated he was taking horse medicine. The video they used of him looked altered, whether it was or not you can see ta definite difference in the colour of the video Rogan did and the one CNN showed. The video CNN showed was darker, and made Rogan look ill. I believe that it was these battles that started Rogan's decline into becoming a right wing propagandist. It was a sad decline to watch.
I used to watch Rogan's podcasts weekly, looking forward to a lot of the guests he brought in. The way he would call out the BS, while still encouraging discussion. He would fact check things at the moment and use that. Now, well just look at the Trump interview. How many lies did Trump spout and all Rogan did was coddle The Donald's ball sack and agree with him. Sadly, that is the way Rogan does his podcast now.
I would love to see the Rogan of old return but I am not going to hold my breath. I miss the old Rogan and what he brought to the world,