Monday, December 12, 2011

What the ... scam access?!?!?!?

You hear a lot of stories about how Facebook allows outside people to access you information. People you may not actually want to know who you are or hear from. I got to see just that type of ad on the right hand side of my Facebook screen today.

It is a link to a page people who frequent torrent sites have probably seen a lot. The page looks like an ad for jobs WITH Google. They have a fake claims to media coverage saying how good they are. Fake comments from happy customers. To protect them from being sued they have small print WAAAAAAAAAAAAY at the bottom telling you they aren't affiliated with Google and that the media coverage shown is made up. And when you try to leave the page you get a pop-up trying to get you to stay. A pop-up that won't let the page close unless you close it as well.

Basically, it is a bullshit scam site. THAT is the kind of company/people Facebook is putting up as legitimate advertisers and sponsors with access to YOUR Facebook page and information. Scammers and dating sites.

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