Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What the ... faggot?!?!?

I knew that one culture shock I would face when I moved home would be Political Correctness. You can call Koreans many things but PC isn't one of them. In the West we tend to be too PC. Case in point the recent "controversy" of the use of "faggot" in the Dire Straits song "Money for Nothing".

A complaint to the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council by one person in Newfoundland caused them to issue a ban on the use of the song except for versions with "faggot" removed/replaced. The Council didn't seem to expect as many people to be pissed off with their decision. Instead of being greeted as enlightened and proper most people seem to think the Council are a bunch of PC fucktards with more shit for brains than common sense.

In some ways the CBSC reminds me of Hagwon owners. Becaise one parent complained about something, no matter how stupid the complaint, the owners would do whatever to make the one parent happy.

The assholes that ran Ivy School in Cheongju were that type of Hagwon owner. Mrs. Kim once told me I wasn't to converse with the kids in my CONVERSATION class in English, only talk about the book. Why? Because one student, whose level was too low for the class, didn't understand and told mommy who complained to the school. Fucktards.

I can actually see the CBSC's decision doing more harm than good. Reacting the way they did to 1 complaint in the 20+ years the song has been around just gives the homophobes something to point to when complaining about gay rights.

Not to mention that they even missed the point of the song. It was satire showing how some people talk and are intolerant. Reminds me of a website I used to frequent. They turned so PC it makes you want to smack them upside the head. In a post talking about racism in Korea. "If you are white you are American. Unless you are blond in which case you are Russian. If you are black you are from Africa. If you are SE Asian you are poor and dirty. If you are Japanese you are evil." The moderators considered explaining about racism in Korea was too racist and cut it down to "Koreans pigeonhole people by skin colour." or some such nonsense. What a bunch of PC retards. But I digress.

As the South Park episode showed, language does change over time. Fag doesn't have the same derogatory meaning as it used to. Hell, many of my gay friends greet gay and straight people alike by saying "Hi fag." I guess they should be censored too.

It turns out that some radio stations are ignoring the CBSC ban. A radio station in Halifax played the song non-stop for an hour as a way of telling the douchebags at the CBSC to go fuck themselves. Which is a go way to end this ...

CBSC and the lone pathetic moron who complained about the song ...

... go fuck yourselves.

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