Saturday, August 18, 2018

What the .... Saudi Spat?!?!?!?

Saudi Arabia has decided to start a fight with Canada over a tweet they don't like.

Saudi Arabia lost their shit over this and started acting out.

A friend of mine made a post asking why we buy oil from Saudi Arabia. I replied to it, something I don't usually do on FB. To paraphrase, I said fuck Saudi Arabia. From what I have read we only get 25% of our oil from them maybe it is time to get that oil from someone else or from within our own country. To hear a pompous ass (the Saudi official who started this) drone on about how great they are to women because they gave them the right to drive a car last year, while women can still be stoned to death for walking around with a non-related male pisses me off. Fuck them.

A misogynistic shit wit I work with was offended by my post. He basically dismissed it by suggesting I smoke weed and don't know the reality of what is going on in Saudi Arabia. He actually claimed there is no proof women get stoned there or that anyone gets crucified. (To be fair, in any instance of crucifixion I have seen they killed the person before crucifying them,  it is a means of leaving them on display.)

It irks me when people try and ignore reality. There are a lot of reports from reliable media outlets about what goes on in Saudi Arabia. The shit wit I work with has his own bias which causes him to blind himself to reality. He rambled on in another post claiming he hates what the Saudis and Trump are doing in the Middle East but can't agree with false claims of stoning and crucifixion without proof. Well, there is proof if you don't have your head rammed up your ass.

This brings me back to my original line of thought .... fuck Saudi Arabia. They are in the process of making sure they spend no money in Canada while they still want our money. Fuck them. We should be finding other places to spend our money. We need to actually start using the oil found in Canada in Canada.

The whole episode also brings up a great question. Why is Saudi Arabia on the UN Human Rights Council let alone heading the council?